The lawyer. Marco Petrucci is constantly committed to respecting the privacy of the natural persons with whom he comes into contact, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation (UE) n. 679/2016 (“GDPR”) and by national privacy legislation (D. Lgs. 196/2003 e s.m.i.).
Pursuant to the articles. 13 del GDPR, We therefore provide you below with some information necessary to illustrate how we will use and process the personal data concerning you (right away "Personal data” or even just “Data”).

The Data Controller is the lawyer. Marco Petrucci (PTR MRC 62D22F205C) with office-studio in 20121 Milano, Via Piazza della Repubblica n. 9 (right away, even just "We or Petrucci Law Firm”)

The Data that will be processed by us may include, among others:
(a) identification and contact data (resulting in a limitation of the mother's parental responsibility, by way of example and not exhaustively, name and surname, Tax ID code, address of residence and/or domicile, Business role, task, e-mail/PEC address, telephone number);
(b) data relating to judicial proceedings or disputes, even of an extrajudicial nature, of which you are a part;
(c) your banking and tax details;
(d) particular data "formerly sensitive data" whose acquisition is necessary to ascertain, exercise or defend your rights in court (resulting in a limitation of the mother's parental responsibility, for example, personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin, genetic data, biometric data, health data, a person's sex life or sexual orientation) as well as data relating to criminal convictions and offences (right away, jointly, i “Special Data”).

Personal Data, including Special Data, will be treated for:
A customer of a bank e) give correct and complete execution of the professional assignment received, both in judicial and extrajudicial settings.

The legal basis of the processing of your Data and your Sensitive Data for the purpose A customer of a bank e) is represented by the need to execute the contract existing between you and the Petrucci Law Firm, pursuant to the provisions of the art. 6.1 lett. b) del GDPR.

ii) comply with the obligations incumbent on professionals and provided for by the legislation in force from time to time as well as the obligations established in the tax and accounting fields.

The legal basis of the processing of your Data for the purpose ii) is represented by the need to fulfill a legal obligation to which the data controller is subject, pursuant to Article. 6.1 lett. c) del GDPR.



As part of the processing of Data for the purposes referred to in point 3 that comes before, Your Personal Data may be communicated or otherwise made accessible to third parties such as, counterparties in judicial and extrajudicial proceedings, external collaborators also for domiciliation purposes in other judicial districts, tax consultants, insurance companies, banking institutions, auditing firm, IT management/maintenance/support service providers for our information systems and management/maintenance/support service providers for the management software we use, as well as judicial authorities, entities operating in the judicial sector, arbitrators and mediators.

Where necessary, we will appoint the third parties as our external data processors pursuant to art. 28 del GDPR.
Upon request, please address us using the contact details indicated in the point 6 following, We will tell you who the third parties to whom your data will have been communicated are.

Within our organization, Your data will be communicated and processed by employees and internal collaborators of the Petrucci law firm. The aforementioned subjects will be duly authorized and trained by Us for the processing, pursuant to Article. 29 del GDPR.

L’eventuale trasferimento dei Dati Personali in Paesi situati al di fuori dell’Unione Europea, in mancanza di una decisione di adeguatezza ai sensi dell’art. 45 del GDPR o di garanzie adeguate ai sensi dell’art. 46 del GDPR, avverrà qualora sia necessario all’esecuzione dell’incarico professionale conferito al nostro studio o con il Suo consenso esplicito che, se del caso, sarà nostra cura richiederLe, pursuant to Article. 49.1 lett. a) e b) del GDPR.

Personal Data will be stored in our computer and paper archives for the entire duration of the professional assignment received. Upon termination for any due cause, the Data will be retained for a further period of 10 years in order to comply with current legal obligations in civil matters, tax and accounting, as well as for the purpose of ascertaining, exercise or defend our rights in court. In particular, in the event that a dispute arises, Your Data will be processed for as long as is necessary in relation to said dispute.
Once the retention period indicated above has elapsed, the Personal Data will be deleted.

The provision of Data for the purposes referred to in the previous point 3 sub (A customer of a bank e) e (ii) constitutes a necessary condition for the conclusion and execution of our contractual relationship; The appellant argues that the acceptance of the check - returned by the promising seller - cannot be considered as an expression of either a consensual termination of the contract or as an implicit waiver of double the deposit, in case of your refusal, we will not be able to establish or follow up on the same e, in particular, l’incarico professionale conferitoci non potrà essere eseguito.

Pursuant to the articles 13, comma 2, letters b), c) e d), 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 e 21 del GDPR, We inform you that:

a) You have the right to ask us foraccess to your Personal Data together with indications relating to the purpose of the processing, to the category of Data processed, to the subjects or categories of subjects to whom they have been or will be communicated (with an indication of the possibility in which these subjects are located in third countries or are international organisations), where possible, the data retention period or the criteria used to determine this period, the existence of your rights to rectification and/or deletion of Personal Data, of limitation of processing and opposition to processing, to your right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, to the origin of the Data, the existence and logic applied in the case of automated decision-making. If you exercise this right and unless otherwise indicated by you, you will receive a copy in electronic format of your Data which is being processed.

b) You also have the right to obtain:
A customer of a bank e. the rectification of your Data, if they are inaccurate or incomplete;
ii. the cancellation of your Data, if one of the conditions referred to in the art. exists. 17 del GDPR (for example: Your Data is no longer necessary with respect to the purposes for which it was collected, You decide to revoke your consent to the processing - where this represents the legal basis - and there is no other legal basis for the processing itself, You object to the processing and no other legitimate interest of the Data Controller prevails, your Data is processed unlawfully);
iii. the limitation of the processing of data concerning you 1) for the time necessary for the Petrucci Law Firm to verify the accuracy of your Data (in case you disputed it), O 2) if the processing of the Data is unlawful and you request, in place of the deletion of your Data, the limitation of the relevant processing, O 3) when the Petrucci Law Firm no longer needs your data but it is necessary for you to ascertain, exercise or defend a right in court, O, finally, 4) for the time necessary to evaluate the possible prevalence of the legitimate reasons of the Data Controller compared to yours, if you have objected to the processing of your data pursuant to point c below;
iv. Your Data in a structured format, in common use and readable by an automatic device also for the purpose of transmitting them to another owner, if the processing is based on consent or a contract and is carried out by automated means (cd. right to data portability). If you are interested, you may ask the Petrucci Law Firm to transmit your data directly to the other owner, if this is technically feasible.

c) You also have the right to oppose to the processing of your data, if such processing is carried out pursuant to art. 6.1 lett. e) (i.e. to fulfill a legal obligation to which the Data Controller is subject) he became. f) (i.e. to pursue a legitimate interest of the Owner) del GDPR, unless there are compelling legitimate reasons for the Data Controller to proceed with the processing, pursuant to Article. 21 del GDPR.

d) If you are not satisfied with the processing of your data by us, will be able to lodge a complaint to the Guarantor for the protection of personal data, following the procedures and indications published on the official website of that authority (

e) Any rectifications or deletions of your Data or limitations of processing carried out at your request – unless this proves impossible or involves a disproportionate effort – they will be with Us communicated to each of the recipients to which your Personal Data may have been transmitted in accordance with this information.

The exercise of the above rights is not subject to any formal constraints and is free. We may only require you to verify your identity before taking further action following your request.

To exercise your rights you can contact the Petrucci Law Firm by sending a registered letter with return receipt to the addresses indicated in the point 1 that comes before, or by e-mail using the following address: